Each film has unique characteristics and needs, requiring a special musical approach to ensure a result that goes beyond generic or standardized music.
Thanks to my experience as a composer and sound engineer, I have been able to explore various aspects of music and music production, experimenting with a variety of styles, genres, and techniques. This has allowed me to integrate them into my work and contribute to the originality of each film, helping to create an enriching and memorable audiovisual experience.
Onkel Günter
Original title: Onkel Günter | Year 2020 | Running time | 103 min. | Country Chile Director | Juan Francisco Riumalló | Screenwriter Juan Francisco Riumalló | Music Macarena Solervicens | Sound Design | Macarena Solervicens Cinematography | Juan Francisco Riumalló
Documentary | Family Relationships | Production Company GRANVISTA MEDIA
Una Primavera
Germany/Italy/Austria | 2018 | DCP | 80 min | documentary | Italian with English subtitles | director and DOP: Valentina Primavera | writers: Valentina Primavera, Federico Neri | editor: Federico Neri | producer: Johannes Schubert | original score: Macarena Solervicens| sound design: Macarena Solervicens Azadeh Zandieh | sound mix: Azadeh Zandieh
Romeo in the Sky
| 2016 | 20 min | Fiction| Spanisch with English subtitles |Director:Enver Melis Producer : Enver Melis | Original Score: Macarena Solervicens |